- Pay & Relax

The pay & relax GmbH provides a unique payment solutions for online marketplaces and private purchases. The fintech company runs a digital escrow service that allows most secure and carefree payments between unknown parties. With PAYLAX, transactions are secured before they even take place, as the seller receives the previously secured funds only after the buyer has successfully received the ordered goods or services.  PAYLAX works across country boarders, while all accounts are insolvency secured through ING and Commerzbank.

VIPrize - Spenden wird belohnt is a technology company with a social mission to generate donations for selected causes, leveraging social media posts from celebrities.

WebValid - we make the web valid GmbH provides audited economic information of more than 5 million active companies in Germany. The consolidated data comes from the official commercial registers, balance sheet publications, insolvency announcements, online media directories, and more. Key areas of application for this data is: Customer Acquisition, Company Monitoring, Research on individual Companies, Master Data Correction & Maintenance.

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